Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I will be back on this soon. It has been a rough winter, but things have really finally started to make sense and I hope to share some of my new insights soon. Need to ensure a few more things before I start walking the walk again.

All is good in japan.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish I was bright enough to figure out how to comment to specific blog posts, but , let me do this for starters.
REALLY good speaking with you, and Colin, it went on too long, so I couldn't even tell you how many things I wanted to interject on, including my own entrepreneurial ideas, my own 2 months in three hospitals (near death - pancreatitis), and other stuff.
Hope we can beef up BOTH of our #in profiles and also throw you some ideas on Twitter use, if that would be welcome. Skype soon?