Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day 42; Six weeks into program, never felt better.

January-February 1 (Week 6)
Written on February 1st (Day 42)

Stabilizing: Overall a good week, as I have incorporated my daily spending and I am getting a number that shows me how much per day I am spending, so far I am looking at about 1000 yen ($10)per day which is on target. However as I had some extra money (not much) reimbursed from work I spent a little on a couple hamburgers and some pizza. This was reflected in less energy on evening run and knowing I was getting off track. At any rate I ended the week well with no spending on the weekend.

Moving Ahead: This is becoming a challenge yet I still feel I will create more and move more towards moving ahead in the next few weeks. The last two weeks have been good but it also seems that I have not found enough time to put into this. Again I need to stay positive that where I am today is a quantum leap from where I was and I am still in the mode of paying back and may not really start moving ahead at the rate I anticipate until later in this, the first program.

Temple: Have made great progress here as it is still y primary function as of February 1st. 42 days of no smoking and no alcohol. My fat % is about 25%, down from 35% and weight is 82kg, down from 85kg. (2.25 pounds per kg). All seems to be good here but I need to find a DVD player soon as I cannot do my morning workout as our DVD player is basically finished. My physical temple i.e. environment will change significantly soon so I will post a few photos from the new home.

Mind: Again doing OK with this one, still need to work at finding time everyday, may be a good idea to identify time every morning and sticking to it. I need to focus on Japanese, and Video Editing.

Connect: Doing good with this aspect. Need to reach out to some good friends, Will, Jason, Chuck, Wayne & Linda, Magic Dave. Basically you know who you are because of who you are.

Spirit: Did very well with this foundation yet slacked off during the end of the week Thurs/Friday. Just keep doing the meditation and this will continue to help with everything else.

Comments Overall: Probably the most difficult week so far but given all that was accomplished I think it was a pretty interesting and effective week. Some great momentum coming with the Tokai Japan Canada Society, with work, need to continue to push myself here, but moving ahead slowly. As well home life with the exception of a couple of rough areas has been unbelievable. Talking to my family more and went running with Mamiko (wife) 5 times last week. Great for talking and just spending time together. Overall still a fantastic week but I am looking for people who want to experience this with me, any takers?

I promise to explain soon about al of this and what the foundations mean, but for now I have to keep moving I hope to have the welcome document done by the end of the week.

Onwards and Upwards: 2009 will be the most interesting year in my life.